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about this site :

Hi there. My name is Jon Page. This site is devoted to a few personal projects of mine.

About half my time is spent working the night shift at a library in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. When I am not at the library, I am either killing time in activities I’ll keep to myself or fiddling around with the things you’ll find on this site. I will briefly describe these things:


These are short pieces of fiction I have written.

Robert Dylan:

Robert is a poet who became a friend of mine several years ago. When I first had the idea for creating this site, I knew I wanted to involve my friend’s work. So I gave him half the space on the homepage. The following is an excerpt from a letter he wrote to me when we first met. For context, he was attempting to submit poetry to a magazine that some friends of mine had started.

My name is Robert Dylan and I’m a 43 year old poet, originally from Vancouver but currently residing in El Paso, Texas with my two dogs (both collies) Rex and Tex. My favorite poets are Thomas Hardy, Lowell and the early (english) Auden. More importantly my favorite sport is hockey (obviously) and my favorite meal is sloppy joe with applesauce. I’ve been writing poetry since I was 17 and though I’ve been published infrequently, the thrill of creation hasn’t left — I’m afraid it never will — and I’m constantly searching for new venues where I can showcase my work. And I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider one of my poems for your magazine.–Robert Dylan

Although the magazine he alludes to folded before we could publish his work, I’m sure he harbors no grudge now that he has such a prominent position on my website.


Songs: Hezekiah Lemuel Dobbin soundcloud page. A musical project I started in 2016.

Commonplace: An attempt by me to post a commonplace book on a webpage. Passages from books I have liked enough to jot down, and for some reason care to share.

